My Very Own Babel Fish

Woman with Babel Fish image generated by Firefly AI

When I first read about the Babel fish in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, I wanted one instantly. When inserted in the ear, a Babel fish can instantly translate any form of communication into its host’s native language. How wonderful to be able to understand anyone no matter what language they speak: Swahili, American Sign Language, Greek, semaphore, Bostonian…

Currently I’m struggling with a problem in one ear that makes it very hard for me to hear and understand people properly. I really want the Babel fish to exist so I can understand people without needing to hear them.

When Jesus left, He told His disciples that He would send them a helper in His place — the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is like a Babel fish for hearing God, for hearing the truth.

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. For he will not speak on his own, but he will speak whatever he hears. He will also declare to you what is to come.” (John‬ ‭16‬:‭13‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

What a wonderful gift for Jesus to send me. When I accepted Jesus, I got the Holy Spirit too. When He plopped down in my heart, I could now hear God and understand truth and even know the future, at least the bits of the future that God feels I need to know.

Unlike the Babel fish though, I have to participate by listening carefully to the Holy Spirit. I can still hear non-truth voices so I can easily get confused, distracted, and led away from the truth. Every day I need to refocus my attention on my Truth Babel fish by praying and studying the Bible.

Dear God,

Thank you for sending your Spirit of Truth to dwell in me. Help me to listen to and focus on your voice through Him. Forgive me for allowing other voices to drown out the truth you give me. Guide me into your truth today.

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